KN Murali

Vice President - Business Operations, Excellence and Transformation, NTT India

KN Murali

Vice President - Business Operations, Excellence and Transformation
NTT India


35 years of leadership experience in Sales, Pre-Sales, in building and nurturing Global Alliances and Partnerships, Human Resources and Business Operations and Transformation.

Managing and growing sales, revenue and profitability in mainstream businesses in both small and large organizations as well as starting and taking to scale new initiatives.
Navigate the implications of market and organizational transformation around digital technologies, by managing people and their skills
Manage the people and process in a large organization including managing the implications of mergers
Manage strategic outsourcing
Simplify and optimize business operations through automation and process transformations
Worked in India, USA and UAE

B.Tech (Chemical Engineering) - National Institute of Technology, Trichy,
M.S (Chemical Engineering) - The University of Toledo, USA
MSIA (Management) - Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, USA
MBL (Business Laws) - National Law School, Bangalore
"Program on Negotiation" - Harvard Law School
Currently pursuing a Ph.D in Management (Human Resources)



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