Stacey Ashley

Executive Coach, Leadership Coach & Change Coach for world class leaders, Managing Director, Ashley Coaching & Consulting Pty Limited

Stacey Ashley

Executive Coach, Leadership Coach & Change Coach for world class leaders
Managing Director
Ashley Coaching & Consulting Pty Limited


‘Stacey Ashley is an Amazon best-selling author, Stevie Award winning coach, five time nominee for the Telstra Business Women’s Awards - including 2020, and in 2018 was named as one of 342 LinkedIn Top Voices globally.

Using the experiences of her stellar 20-year corporate career: successfully leading large teams; operations; and strategic programs, Stacey set out to make a bigger difference by equipping more leaders to step up & lead.

She is a heart centred leader who enjoys working with leaders and teams who aspire to making a difference. Often, those leading significant transformation or change initiatives in their teams, organisations and industries.

She has helped 1000's to grow their coaching & leadership competence, confidence & credibility, so their leadership inspires, influences and has impact.

Stacey is the creator of the 1000leaders initiative™, based on her amazon bestselling book ‘The New Leader’, and The Coaching Leader™.

She speaks on a range of topics including Inspiring a Workplace Coaching Culture, Lessons in Leadership, Wiser Decision Making and Happiness at Work. Stacey is a speaker and corporate storyteller who will raise your awareness, equip you with practical new skills & inspire you to take action.’



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