Nazurudeen Meerah Ghany

Vice President of Human Resources, Etika Group

Nazurudeen Meerah Ghany

Vice President of Human Resources
Etika Group


Being in love with HR his whole life, Nazurudeen "fell" into HR in his second job and scaled the HR ladder over the next 20 years.

Today, he is the Vice President of Human Resources of Etika Group with notable and diverse HR experience in various HR functional areas. He is responsible for the Group's overall Strategic and Operational HR in Workforce Planning, Performance Management, Talent Management and Organisational Development in support of the Group's vision and business growth.

He holds a Master's Degree in Human Resource Development from the Universiti Putra Malaysia and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, with a Human Resource Management major from Universiti Utara Malaysia.



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